Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th September

The copper mines at Alderley Edge are holding Open Days on the above days.

If you are interested details are at

Peter Attwell

18/10/2023 Annual General Meeting at the Guild at 19.00

The Group's AGM will be held at the Guild at 19.00. Following the business part of the meeting there will be snacks and drinks for attendees. To help with the expenses of the Group attendees will be asked to donate £3 at the meeting.

As previously friends of the Group as well as members are warmly invited to attend.

See Below for the Agenda



To be held at Wilmslow Guild at 19.00 on Wednesday 15th November 2023


1.       Welcome

2.       Members Present and Apologies

3.       Minutes of the previous AGM

4.       Matters Arising

5.       Annual Report

6.       Constitution and the Committee

7.       Website

8.       Relationship with the Guild for Lifelong Learning

9.       Walking Programme

10.   Non-members walking fee

11.   Financial Report

12.   Walking Holiday 2023 and 2024

13.   Guild Rules on Safeguarding

14.   AOB

Refreshments and Slide show

06/10/2023 Information about the Christmas lunch on Monday 4th December at 12.30 at The Midland, Marple Bridge.

A booking for 23 people has been made and I have paid everybody's  £5 deposits. I'll collect these as and when I see you. The deposits will be refunded on the day. 

I will need everyone's meal options by Wednesday 22 November, please. We can choose from the normal or festive lunch  menus. Currently the festive menu only shows a price for 3 courses ( £32-95) . Prices for 1 or 2 courses are not yet on the Midland' s website but I was told  they will be in due course. 

Dogs are only allowed in the bar, not the restaurant. ( sorry Lola!) 

The Midland only has a very small car park with spaces for about 10 cars,  but the Brabyns Brow car park next door is free and has 79 spaces. The postcode for The Midland, SK6 5DT, took me to the Brabyns Park free car park across the road  opposite the pub.

This is where we'll start a walk of approx 5 miles at 10am. (Details to follow when I've worked it out! )

Thank you for your support. 23 is a very good number for our Christmas lunch.


04/12/2023 Monday Christmas Walk with lunch leader Angela Legge:  Pub Menus

The link to the menus at Midland pub at Marple Bridge is as follows: 

Normal menu 

Christmas menu

Copy and paste the links into your browser.

04/12/2023 Monday Christmas Walk with lunch leader Angela Legge

The Group's Christmas Lunch will be at 12.30 at the Midland Country Pub Marple Bridge SK6 5DT, preceded by a walk led by Angela Legge.

For people wishing to have the lunch, the pub requires a non refundable deposit of £5 to be paid in about 2 weeks time.

Therefore if you want to join the lunch please email Angela by Wednesday 4 October so that she can pay the pub £5 for each attendee. She will collect the money from people on future walks. Please note that people confirming thaty they will be at the lunch must pay Angela even if subsequently they find they cannot attend.

I will out links to the menus at the pub in the next few days.

As usual members and friends are invited to join us at the pub for the lunch without doing the walk or to do the walk with joining us for lunch.

15/11/2023 Annual General Meeting at the Guild at 19.00

The Group's AGM will be held at the Guild at 19.00. Following the business part of the meeting there will be snacks and drinks for attendees. To help with the expenses of the Group attendees will be asked to donate £3 at the meeting.

As previously friends of the Group as well as members are warmly invited to attend.

Papers for the AGM will be posted on the website nearer the time.

12/08/2023:  Welcome to the New season of Walking, 6 miles easy around Styal with Pub lunch at the Ship Inn at Styal, walk led by Donald Henderson, pub lunch arrangements by Carol McLaughlin

Welcome to the New season walk includes a pub lunch at the Ship Inn at Styal at 1pm. The lunch will be after 4.5 miles with 1.5 miles after lunch.

The walk is being led by Donald Henderson, with details of the walk to follow.

the Ship Inn website: 

The pub requires final numbers and menu choices by Friday 15th September.

Please email Carol or send a Whatsapp using the Group Whatsapp page with confirmation you will be having lunch plus your menu choice by Friday 15th. If you do not meet that deadline, the pub may not be able to fit you in.

As previously, members and friends may join the lunch but not the walk, as they wish, again advising Carol accordingly.

06/01/2023:  Meeting with the Guild for Lifelong Learning about the WGWG website

A meeting was held with the GLL Principal, Paula, about the future use of the WGWG website. As the GLL website is due to be revamped at a date yet to be agreed with the developers, it was agreed that the current situation would be left until the result of the revamp could be seen and judged for functionality. Paula told the meeting that other groups such as the photographic society and the AV group were willing to drop their own websites and adopt the GLL website once the revamp has been completed. it was not clear whether those groups knew how their requirements would be met by the revamp.

The meeting ended after about an hour.

Peter Attwell


12/10/2022:  Arrangements following the death of Diana Baker.

Following the sad death of Diana earlier this month, her family have decided, in accordance with Diana's wishes, that there will be no funeral. The Committee have decided, in the absence of a funeral, to mark Diana's contribution to the Group with a memorial walk on Monday 14 November. Please see the Walks tab for details.

Her family have provided a link shown below that will take you to a tribute page whereby you can donate to East Cheshire Hospice, where Diana was cared for in her final days, or simply leave a message, a thought or a picture."

05/10/2022:  Announcement of the death of Diana Baker

It is with great sadness that the Committee have heard that Diana died today at East Cheshire Hospice. Many members have known Diana for many years. She was a regular walker and great contributor of ideas to improve the walking group.

It was only a few months ago that we were walking with her. Her sudden illness and speed of progression of the disease is all the more shocking.

A card from the Walking Group has been sent by Bob Swinburne. Individual cards can be sent to either of her daughters:

Pip Pritchett-Brown, 97 Teg Down Meads, Winchester, Hampshire SO22 5NG

Jo Winter. 15 Blackthorn Drive, Lindley, Huddersfield HD3 3RR.

When we hear any details of her funeral, they will be posted here.

Peter Attwell

17/09/2022: Joining the Wilmslow Guild Walking Group for 2022/23

Members are reminded that it is now time to join the Walking Group by paying your subscription £20 to the Guild. The easiest way to pay is through the Guild for Lifelong Learning website, although I believe payment can be made in person at the Guild.

Less frequent walkers can continue to join walks with a contribution of £2 per walk payable to the Leader or a member of the Committee.

27/06/2021:  Changes to meet and greet arrangements for walk

The Committee have considered the low take up of meet and greet arrangements, since they were reinstated a few weeks ago. It seems that many walkers prefer to go direct to the start.

As a result, the Committee have decided that from the beginning of July, the arrangements will be as follows:

If you have any questions on this change, please ask a member of the Committee. 

26/05/2021:  Important Reminder for walkers who drive direct to the start of walks

Now that car sharing has restarted, walks will start when the car sharing walkers arrive at the start. Walkers are reminded that if you drive direct to the start it is your responsibilty to check the website for any last minute changes to walks and to arrive by the time suggested by the leader in the website entry.

07/03/2021: Wilmslow Walkers from 29 March

Wilmslow Walkers Group is up and running.

Please offer to lead some walks after 29 March by putting the details on the Wilmslow Walkers site.

PLEASE NOTE:  current interpretation of the restrictions after 29 March means that walks DO NOT HAVE TO BE LOCAL. Therefore walks starting further afield such as Derbyshire, north Manchester and Staffordshire are permitted.

REMEMBER that Wilmslow Walkers is not part of WGWG and you join walks at your own risk. 

03/03/2021: BMC guidance on England's roadmap for easing COVID-19 restrictions on walkers

On 23/02/2021 the BMC published guidance on England's roadmap for easing COVID-19 restrictions on walkers. Many will find it provides some clarity.

In brief the BMC believes the UK governments roadmap indicates that: 


All is of course subject to any changes in the science. 

02/03/2021: Relaxation of COVID restrictions from 29 March

In the latest Government Announcement on planned relaxation of COVID restrictions, a group of up to six people will be allowed to meet outside from  Monday 29 March. This is likely to be a similar restriction as was in place during 2019.

The Committee have agreed that provided this Government plan proceeds, the Google Groups called Wilmslow Walkers can be reinstated. Fortunately Simon Duffy merely suspended the use of that Google Group and has agreed to bring it alive again.

Simon is preparing a note on what members will need to do to list walks on the Wilmslow Walkers page and this will be available shortly. In the meantime please have your walks ready to list and add your name to walks as they are listed. first come first served.

PLEASE REMEMBER that the Wilmslow Walkers are not part of the Walking Group and walks take place in a similar fashion as a group of friends walking. Wilmslow Guild cannot be held responsible for any incidents on the walks.

11/02/2021: Details of David Taylor's funeral and Zoom Tribute

I f you would like to mark David's funeral, some of his friends are gathering at 17 Broad Walk Wilmslow SK9 5PJ. The hearse is expected at around 1.40 /45pm on Friday 19 February. Please just turn up at that time.

Further the Zoom meeting paying tributes to David is on the Saturday 20 February at 3.00pm . If you would like to be included in the Zoom meeting, please send your email address to Wendy Taylor.

08/02/2021: Date of David Taylor's funeral

David Taylor's funeral will take place on Friday 19 February. I do not yet have the time. Nobody will be allowed to attend the funeral itself. However, Wendy, his widow would appreciate it if a few friends could gather at the house to mark the funeral hearse leaving the house. The address is 17 Broad Walk Wilmslow SK9 5PJ. I will update the website when I am told the time.

02/02/2021:  Cancellation of Group Holiday 2021

In the posting dated 28 October 2020 below, Bob Swinburne announced the plan for a Group holiday to Lake Garda with HF Holidays. HF have just told Bob that the holiday has been cancelled due to COVID 19 uncertainty. 

There will therefore be no Group holiday in 2021.

28/01/2021: Announcement of David Taylor's death

David Taylor, a long standing member of the Walking Group very sadly died from COVID 19 about 10 days ago after a short stay in hospital. We will remember David for his friendliness and quick wit.  We are very sorry to lose a member of our group.

05/01/2021 Walking programme suspended until mid February or until a further Government announcement

After the government announcement on 04/01/2021 that England is now in Tier 5 the walking programme has been suspended until mid February or until a further Government announcement.

31/12/2020 Walking programme suspended

On 31/12/2021 much of the North-West, including Cheshire, Greater Manchester and Derbyshire were placed in the 'Tier 4: Stay at home' category. As a result all WGWG walks are suspended until further notice. The next government tier review is due to take place on 13/01/2021.

27/11/2020 The government have announced new 3 Tier restrictions applicable after 02 December 2020. As a result the Walking Group will restart the programme starting with Simon Duffy's walk on Thursday 03 December. All walks will take place under the same Covid -19 restrictions applicable before Lockdown 2. For details see the Covid-19 tab under "About".

01/11/2020 Due to government lockdown restrictions, the walking programme is suspended until December 2020 when the position will be reviewed

Postponed and suspended walks for November have been transferred to the 2020 Archive.

28/10/2020 Wilmslow Guild Walking Group Holiday 2021: Message from Bob Swinburne

Annual Walking Group holiday - Lake Garda, Italy

Whilst Angela Legge is the Committee member responsible for Walking Group holidays, she has asked me to organise our 2021 holiday as she is unsure, at this juncture, as to whether other commitments will prevent her attending.

Some members will recall that a number of our group had booked a one week walking holiday with HF Holidays in Lake Garda, Italy in May of this year but that, due to the outbreak of Covid-19, this holiday was cancelled.

The general consensus is that we should book an identical holiday in May next year, as all the necessary research about Lake Garda had been carried out. 

Details of the holiday, including venue, walks, accommodation, travel etc are contained on the HF website at

 I set out below a number of Important points:

The date of the holiday is from Saturday 15 May to Saturday 22 May 2021.

It is important to remember that when you are booking your holiday with HF, you are doing so as an individual and not as part of a group. You can always ask the HF agent to note the fact that you will be one of several coming from the Wilmslow Guild Walking Group as this might enable them to allocate adjacent seats on the flights.

Remember to stress that you are flying in and out of Manchester.

I would recommend booking by phone as you can ask any questions.

I have been informed that, in the event of HF cancelling the holiday, you will be entitled to a full refund of your deposit/balance or, should you so wish, a transfer of any monies to another holiday. However, if you cancel the holiday you cannot get a refund but can transfer to another holiday. Please ensure that HF confirm this policy with you before you book.

HF have a limited number of rooms available so, if you are interested, an early booking is advisable.

If and when you book your holiday please email me,  using my circulated my email address,  so that I can maintain a running total of participants. Whenever this figure changes, an update will be uploaded to the website.

Please remember that I am acting merely as conduit for our holiday and that any issues etc relating to the holiday itself should be dealt with between the individual booking the holiday and HF.

So far the following have booked firm with HF:

Bob Swinburne 

Chris Briggs

Diana Baker

Lynn Davies

The following have stated that they are definitely interested but are awaiting developments in relation to Covid-19:

Peter and Tress Attwell

Angela Legge

28/09/2020 Further update on procedures for walks following increased COVID 19 Restrictions

After recently announced increased restrictions for members living in Trafford and Stockport, the following arrangements will apply for the October to December walks programme:

22/09/2020 Further update on procedures for walks following COVID 19 Restrictions

The following should be noted for all walkers planning to join one of the WGWG walk:

20/08/2020 Update following easing of COVID 19 Restrictions 

The WGWG Committee have had an outdoor meeting to discuss the future arrangements for the walking group, now that COVID 19 restrictions are being eased. The minutes of the meeting are under the tab “Committee mtg minutes”.

The key points are:

1. It is hoped that an Autumn programme can commence from 1 October 2020 and the list of dates is being circulated. The arrangements are set out below.

2. There will be no limit on the number of walkers or need to notify the leader. There will be no meet and greet. Walkers will have to make their own way to the start and leaders will need to bear in mind the number of parking spaces needed. There will be no paper programme.

3. Leaders will have to make a list of walkers to satisfy Covid 19 guidelines.

4. The Wilmslow Walkers arrangements will continue during September, walking in groups of up to six. However they will be suspended from 1 October, when the WGWG programme takes over. If local areas go back into lockdown, Wilmslow Walkers may restarted.

5. There will be no AGM nor Christmas lunch walk.

6. WGWG will remain under the umbrella of the Guild for the foreseeable future. However until the future subscriptions arrangements are known, including how the missing 6 months of membership are to be dealt with, the Committee suggest that members do not pay a subscription to the Guild. The Committee will issue further advice on this when any discussions have been held.

7. The Committee believe this WGWG website should be revamped to make its use on mobile devices easier. Simon Duffy has kindly volunteered his expertise in this area.

8. The Committee wanted to thank Simon for his work on Wilmslow Walkers.


Peter Attwell for the WGWG Committee

21/07/2020 Wilmslow Guild reopening and current restrictions affecting walking groups

Wilmslow Guild has recently sent out an email concerning its plans for reopening. It does not specifically deal with Groups such as the Walking Group.

The Committee has considered the current position. As far as we are aware the Government coronavirus restrictions still place a limit of 6 people meeting outdoors. In addition the advice remains against sharing cars with people outside your family group. Both these restrictions mean that it is not feasible to restart the WGWG programme. Therefore until more easing of restrictions come into force, the Committee do not recommend paying the subscription to join the Walking Group as part of the Guild programme.

This position on our walk programme is similar to that shown on the Ramblers website. Even when the "six people" limit is lifted, the limit on car sharing will still mean walks should start from places with large car parks. As many leaders have found out on Wilmslow Walkers walks, even large car parks rapidly fill up especially at weekends.

Whilst the restrictions in the various forms continue, the Committee suggests that members consider joining the Wilmslow Walkers group, which is operating successfully. If you need help with the technology Simon Duffy is always willing to help.

Peter Attwell for the WGWG Committee

21/07/2020 Rose Monteath

Many members will have walked with Rose either on the occasional regular WGWG walks she came on or more likely on our holidays.

Rose is shortly to move back to her native Ireland. We all wish her well with her move in these difficult times and settling back down in her new home. We hope the walking is good and we will remember her for her good company on our future walks.

Peter Attwell for the WGWG Committee

12/05/2020 Holiday 2020 and 2021

Due to the corona virus crisis, the 2020 Holiday was cancelled by HF holidays.

Plans for WGWG holidays in future years are in abeyance until it is clearer how the crisis and Government restrictions on travel become clearer. This will also be affected for walking holidays outside the UK by the virus situation on other European countries and the availability of travel insurance.

Wilmslow Guild Walking Group Committee

11/05/2020 Corona virus crisis: Easing of lockdown measures

The WGWG Committee have considered the Government's current easing of lockdown measures. It appears you are now able to leave your home more than once per day and drive to somewhere to take exercise. You are allowed to exercise with one other person who is not a member of your household, whilst maintaining 2 metres distance from the other person.

The Committee believe that this relaxation is not sufficient to allow the Group to restart a walking programme. We will keep the measures under review with a view to walking again as a Group as soon as permitted.

Peter Attwell for the WGWG Committee

28/10/2020 Wilmslow Guild Walking Group Holiday 2021: Message from Bob Swinburne